My father's speech was slurred most of my childhood — but it's a rite
of passage for many Maritime Canadians
'cause I heard from a friend of a friend that linguists say our accent
is the result of a speech impediment, yet I don't think much
of it. My father comes from people who learned to talk
the potato into growing more potatoes — a trick
not a lot of people know.
And people who cottage here think life is very easy
and carefree. The potato money bought
groceries and the rest went towards my father's brand new
two-door red Toyota Tercel
the closest thing we could afford to a Lamborghini
and the most practical vehicle for a middle-aged man with four kids
who now would get very creative
with cans of tuna, white bread, and chicken legs with veins, bought in bulk,
which Shake 'n Bake: The Original could not fix.
All summer, chicken legs with veins
and hairy legs and Dad daydreaming his
two-door Toyota Tercel was sports
car material and so on weekends he found himself
whatever he could to make himself garbage
boxes, and they would sell, oh yes, everyone wanted a box
for all the garbage they dealt with, totally
beautiful at the end of their cottage driveways
next to the Anne of Green Gables mailbox
hand-painted by a local artist, my third-grade teacher.
Have Dad's blood in my veins, despite my early convictions
that we were not related and that Dad may also
be a tourist of this town for he felt like he belonged
elsewhere. Because I cannot build garbage
boxes, I know nothing about the art, the discipline
of carpentry, or raising a shed which he also did
from the scraps of his childhood house torn down
when land was sold to tourists who loved quaint life
and it paid for the car and there were no more veins
in the chicken and we had a garbage box, and a shed,
built from his own house, a shed he painted
and named Cow, and he loved putting up
any kind of wall, and this he can do just from scratch
like driving his red car looking at junk and making it
into something strangers would love him for.
Matthew Walsh, "Garbage Box with Black Loons" from These are not the potatoes of my youth. Copyright © 2019 by Matthew Walsh. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: These are not the potatoes of my youth (Gooselane Editions, 2019)